what is bamboo ?

sajan chaudhary
3 min readJun 9, 2021


Hello friends i am fine here and hope all of you were enjoying your earning and today i am going to ay you about a new project called bamboo

A sustainable future currency.
This token is constructed to be dynamic with its hyper-deflationary function. This supports the tokens consistant growth into the future and each transaction has a 10% fee which is evenly distributed. With each transaction an amount of BNB is collected and used for planting trees with the foundation OneTreePlanted, allowing for carbon neutral transactions. This creates a powerful cryptocurrency, ready for adoption by businesses not willing to use energy heavy alternatives. More features will be revealed with future developments.

The team and our investors explore unreached territories in the crypto space. We believe you vote with your money and we provide the opportunity for new investors to vote for good while reaching their financial goals.

With every transaction made, the earth is made a little bit better. That is thanks to the amazing work of the WWF and OneTreePlanted. New investors are joining a movement of holders reach the moon, but still have a positive impact back here on earth.

Due to climate change forests around the world are rapidly disappearing and turning into dry barren wastelands. This is not only a problem for the wildlife but also the local villages who depend on natural resources from these forests to survive.

With Bamboo, you can feel safe knowing that your investment will go towards solving this global issue! Through partnerships with leading reforestation organisations we are able to help provide employment opportunities for locals, assist in the reforestation effort and are able to create sustainable forestry practices for our planet’s future generations.

A portion of the transaction is collected in Bamboo and sold into BNB. That BNB is married up with the remaining of Bamboo and deposited back into the PancakeSwap liquidity pool.A portion of the transaction is sent to be burned forever. 25% of the total supply is burned on genesis.A portion of the transactions is collected by the Bamboo contract and sold into BNB that is reserved to be collected by the Charity Wallet.A portion of the transaction is sold into BNB and reserved in the contract to be collected by an expenses wallet for use in marketing, promotion and business expenses related to Bamboo.

And some of the detail of the token are given below.


Total Supply

Genesis Burn

Pancake SWAP LP

Presale Allocation


Contract address


for more detail visit this all social media of this project to know more about it.


ok today for this much and i will bring many more news about the project .

